Posted February 6, 2015

{Cinemania Student Critics} Maidentrip

This is a post by JBFC Cinemania Student Critic Caleb Feinstein

CalebImagine leaving home to make a 27,000-mile, two year long journey around the world on a small boat by yourself. I know I couldn’t, but 14 year old Laura Dekker could. Maidentrip, directed by Jillian Schlesinger, is the adventurous story of a Dutch girl who had always wanted to travel the world. Laura Dekker was born in New Zealand and spent the first years of her life aboard a boat, sailing with her parents. After settling down with her dad in the Netherlands she continued to sail, wanting to travel the world and see all the places her parents saw when they sailed. After a heated and long court trial with the Dutch government, who did not think it safe for a 14 year old to sail the world on her own, Laura finally got her wish. On August 21, 2010 she set off on her boat “Guppy” for her record-setting trip as the youngest girl to sail around the world. As she traveled around the world she often explored the surrounding area. She went to places like Bora Bora, the Pearl Islands, and Galapagos and explored with other sailors. Most of the movie is filmed by Laura and it is interesting to hear what is happening and how she feels from her perspective. I find this film really does a good job of showing just how much Laura loves sailing and how determined she is. Even in challenging weather and harsh storms she remained committed and just seemed to love it no matter what happened. I really think this film shows just what you can do if you really set your mind on something. Who you are and how old you are don’t matter as long as you have determination.

Maidentrip screened at the Jacob Burns Film Center on January 31, part of the series “We Got Game: Sports on Film.”


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