A modern twist on a classic tale from Walt Disney Animation Studios features a beautiful girl named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) who dreams of owning her own restaurant. When she meets a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again, a fateful kiss leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous of Louisiana…with the villainous voodoo magician Dr. Facilier (Keith David) in hot pursuit.
The Princess and the Frog
This film is part of the JBFC Kids series.
This series is presented in partnership with:
The Princess and the Frog
2009. 97 m. Ron Clements/John Musker. Disney. US/Canada/Brazil. English/French. Rated G. Family Friendly
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers), $9 (child)
Family Friendly
"The Princess and the Frog invites viewers to see the world as a lively, mixed-up, even confounding place, to recognize essential parts of ourselves in what we see, and to say: This is what we look like."
This film is part of the JBFC Kids series.
This series is presented in partnership with:
The Jacob Burns Film Center is proud to receive generous support from:
Rewinding 2024: The Year in Review
Another year of great movies and incredible audiences!
Small Town, Big Dreams
Now Showing through March 12
Cinema Studies: Billy Wilder
Thursday afternoons: Feb. 6, 13 & 20
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