Inspired by Roald Dahl’s beloved children’s book, a young boy named James gains possession of some magic crocodile tongues after the daring rescue of a spider from his cruel aunts. When he accidentally spills them in the garden, out sprouts an enormous peach. Inside he finds a group of human-sized bugs who help him escape his bleak home life and confront his sorrowful past in the midst of a magical odyssey.
James and the Giant Peach
This film is part of the JBFC Kids series.
This series is presented in partnership with:
James and the Giant Peach
1996. 79 m. Henry Selick. Disney. UK/US. English. Rated PG. Family Friendly
Tickets: $11 (members), $16 (nonmembers), $9 (child)
Family Friendly
"It's a splendidly designed flight of imagination that soars from the barren grays of England to the Art Deco towers of New York over a shining sea of wrinkled, deep blue velvet. With the movie's mixture of stop-motion animation, digital animation, and live action, Roald Dahl's 1961 children's book has found its ideal realization."
This film is part of the JBFC Kids series.
This series is presented in partnership with:
The Jacob Burns Film Center is proud to receive generous support from:
Rewinding 2024: The Year in Review
Another year of great movies and incredible audiences!
Small Town, Big Dreams
Now Showing through March 12
Cinema Studies: Billy Wilder
Thursday afternoons: Feb. 6, 13 & 20
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