This engaging comedy is directed by and stars Jon Favreau as a frustrated head chef who quits his restaurant job and buys a food truck in an effort to reclaim his creative promise, while piecing back together his estranged family. Winner of the Tribeca FF audience award, the film features sumptuous food, a stellar sound track, the fiery Sofia Vergara as Favreau’s well-to-do ex-wife, and an outrageous amalgam of talented cameos by Dustin Hoffman, John Leguziamo, Bobby Cannavale, Scarlett Johansson, Oliver Platt, Amy Sedaris, and Robert Downey Jr.
Film : $9 (member), $14 (nonmember)
Film + Tasting Reception $50 (member), $65 (nonmember)
This event is Priority Purchase. Members at the Film Buff level and above LOG IN now to purchase tickets. Any remaining tickets will go on sale Friday, June 1 at noon. Call membership at 914.773.7663, ext 6 to join or upgrade today for the next Priority Purchase!