Posted May 5, 2015
An Open Love-Letter to Teachers
This is a post by JBFC Education Assistant Karolina Manko
This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week! Here at the JBFC we work closely with a lot of classroom educators in schools throughout Westchester County. Although their jobs are rigorous and demanding, they never cease to amaze us with their creativity and willingness to go above and beyond for the sake of their students. These exceptional individuals value the kind of learning that is not mandated or tested; they recognize that it’s good education and essential skills, and they go beyond the state assessments to value creativity and innovation.
Thank you to all of the amazing educators like Simon Dudar (4th grade, Haldane School) who takes our Focus on Nature program to the next level with his classroom science documentaries; and Tara O’Gorman (4th grade, Casimir Pulaski School) who prioritizes visual literacy in all aspects of her curriculum and whose Minds in Motion animations always make us smile; and Eric Rothstein (7th/8th grade, Palisade Preparatory School) who accompanies his students every week to our Media Arts Lab for the Cinemania program; and all of the educators pioneering through our Image, Sound, and Story curriculum this school-year; among the many others who pour themselves wholeheartedly into each task and challenge.
Lastly, thank you to our full-time and adjunct faculty members as well as all of the unorthodox teachers among us: visiting artists, storytellers, teaching assistants, camp counselors, volunteers, etc. All of these incredible people make our education programs possible, helping us keep the JBFC mission alive and thriving.